In “Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot,” there are numerous facts and adventures for the players that attract them. Still, one of the most interesting tools of this game is “substories” or “subplots,” which makes the players have to face various challenges to finish the tasks. The game centers around retelling events of anime’s story of “Dragon Ball Z.” Gamers have to unveil the sub-plot of the specific story through the “Turtle” known as “Tough Break for Turtle” in the wake of the game’s first section that is between “Frieza Saga,” and “Vegeta Saga.” If the player wants to finish the sub-story, he has to gather three important elements for his sub-story “Turtle”: “Egg,” “Royal Tomato,” and “Rice.” How to Find “Royal Tomato” “Royal Tomato” is one of the hardest to find items in “Kakarot.” Getting Tomato is as similar as winning a match from the opponents as “Royal Tomato” itself needs its sub-challenges to complete. In the game, the farmer desires to sell his potatoes on for ten spe...