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Scribd is a platform that allows authors to share books or documents with their readers and viewers. It also offers protection from plagiarism and privacy and permits the paid readers to print the document from the Scribd official website. Here’s how to download and print a Scribd document.
How to Log In into the Scribd Account?
  • Open the Scribd official site. Type the website link in the text field by using the systems browsing software. Click on the “Enter” button on the system keyboard to open the official site of Scribd.
  • Sign in to the Scribd account. You will get the “Sign in”  option located in the top right-hand side of the screen, and you will get this option in the main webpage of Scribd. Press on it so that you can get the sign in the display. You can select to sign in to the Facebook account by entering the email ID and password associated with it.
  • In case you opt to type the Facebook email ID and password, then you have to type all the sign in information in the given box located on the left-hand side of the display.
  • After typing all the information required for sign in, then click on the “Sign In” option given at the end of the display.
How to Print a Scribd Document?
  • Find the Scribd document on the folder where you have to save the document. After signing in to the Scribd account, you can easily view the Scribd document and start downloading the document into the system in case the author of the book permits the readers to download it on their system. You can open a Scribd document by entering the title on the search box given at the upper side of the webpage. After typing the name, click on the “Enter” button.
  • Open the Scribd document. Once you have entered the title of the document, press on the Scribd document or the image of that document. After clicking it, the preview webpage will open on the screen where you will get only a few portions of the Scribd document, and it depends on the authors who will decide how many portions they wish to share with you.
  • You have to start downloading the Scribd document. Press on the orange color download option located in the upper right-hand side of the webpage. It will open the download webpage on the desktop.
  • Go to the document which you have downloaded earlier. You need to press on the downloaded document, and it will be in the PDF format located at the end of the default browsing application.
  • Go to the Print option to start printing the downloaded Scribd document.
Aurora is an engineer by day and writer by night. Previously, Aurora worked as a certified technicians for a tech hardware startup. In her free time, she likes to write about printers, routers, web browsers, and other technical stuff. She majorly writes for canon, brother, lexmark printer support etc.


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